picture of outside of brown building with rainbow in the background

NOTE:  During any properly scheduled open meeting the board may discuss make motions, vote to approve or disapprove, vote to table, adopt, reject, reaffirm, rescind, rearrange the order of the agenda items, or take no action on any agenda matter.


  1. Call to Order

  1. Roll Call of Members

  2. Recognition of Visitors


  1. Public Participation


  1. Possible consideration and vote to consent agenda:

All of the following items, which concern reports and items of routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items.  The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration and vote of items A-E.

  1. Approve minutes of the December 8, 2021, regular board meeting.

  2. Approve general fund encumbrance number 163 through 176 and 70308.

  3. Approve building fund encumbrance numbers 48 through 55.

  4. Approve child nutrition fund encumbrance numbers 29 through 31 and 70014. 

  5. Discuss, consider, and vote to approve or not approve the December activity fund report.

    image of brown building with rainbow in background